domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Starstrike Blast Sneak Peek Weekend

El de ayer y hoy se realizo el prelanzamiento de Starstrike Blast, bueno la expancio esta chevere y me enamore de los nuevos monstruos Karauri, a dejo una foto de lo me salio y la lista d cartas completa d la expancion.

Starstrike Blast

Nombre en español: La Explosión del Ataque Estelar
Fecha de salida: Noviembre 16, 2010
Fecha Sneak Preview: Noviembre 6 y 7, 2010
Carta promo Sneak Preview: Archfiend Empress

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

Cartas de Jump Magazine no son legales

Asi es Las cartas promo de SHONEN JUMP Magazine ya NO son legales para uspo en torneos en Europa, Oceania, Centro y Sudamerica, devido a k la revista SHONEN JUMP no se distrubuye oficialmente en esos lugares.

Lista de cartas de Jump con legalidad:

JMP-001 Blue-Eyes White Dragon = LEGAL
JMP-002 Red-Eyes Black Dragon = LEGAL
JMP-EN003 Archfiend of Gilfer = LEGAL
JMP-EN004 Obelisk the Tormentor = ILEGAL
JMP-EN005 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon = LEGAL
JUMP-EN007 Yu-Jo Friendship = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN008 Judgment of the Pharaoh = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN009 Magician's Valkyria = LEGAL
JUMP-EN010 Toon Dark Magician Girl = LEGAL
JUMP-EN011 Victory Dragon = LEGAL
JUMP-EN012 Elemental Hero Stratos = LEGAL
JUMP-EN013 Elemental Hero Ocean = LEGAL
JUMP-EN014 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest = LEGAL
JUMP-EN015 Dreadscythe Harvester = LEGAL
JUMP-EN016 The Wicked Eraser = LEGAL
JUMP-EN017 The Wicked Avatar = LEGAL
JUMP-EN018 The Wicked Dreadroot = LEGAL
JUMP-EN019 Blast Sphere = LEGAL
JUMP-EN020 Copycat = LEGAL
JUMP-EN021 Relieve Monster = LEGAL
JUMP-EN022 Cloning = LEGAL
JUMP-EN023 Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord = LEGAL
JUMP-EN024 Cyber Dinosaur = LEGAL
JUMP-EN025 Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord = LEGAL
JUMP-EN026 Dragonic Knight = LEGAL
JUMP-EN027 Arcana Force Ex - the Light Ruler = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN028 Gandora the Dragon of Destruction = LEGAL
JUMP-EN029 Dandylion = LEGAL
JUMP-EN030 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon = LEGAL
JUMP-EN031 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon = LEGAL
JUMP-EN032 Beast King Barbaros = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN033 Tragoedia = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN034 Genesis Dragon = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN035 Orichalcos Shunoros = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN036 Darkness Neosphere = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN037 Obelisk the Tormentor = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN038 Cyber Eltanin = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN039 Hundred-Eyes Dragon = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN040 Golem Dragon = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN041 The Tyrant Neptune = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN042 Transforming Sphere = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN043 Malefic Stardust Dragon = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN044 Dark End Dragon = LEGAL
JUMP-EN045 The Winged Dragon of Ra = ILEGAL JUMP-EN046 Lightning Warrior = ILEGAL
JUMP-EN047 Seven Swords Warrior = ILEGAL

Lo unico k realmente me duele es el Tragoedia T_T
